Saturday, May 14, 2011


Just a quick little thing today. I recently went to the hospital because of tooth pain. It was so severe that I relented and went to the ER. The doctor wanted to prescribe an antibiotic and pain meds. He found out I am allergic to Penicillin and anything in that family so he didn't give me an antibiotic. The next one on his list and apparently only other one he said would cost me $100 since I am uninsured. Here is the fun part the Oxycodone 5 that I got for pain prescribed to me cost under $8. How screwed up is it that a addictive, regulated narcotic costs less than an antibiotic that is meant to prevent me from dying because my tooth becomes infected. I just found that a little ridiculous and felt the need to share it. Till later.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

End of semester crunch

So here I am at the end of another semester and again I am feeling the pressure of end of semester crunch. I have 2 papers and a research paper to write by Sunday and a crap ton of reading/studying to do for my final on Wednesday. On the plus side I will be done with online classes for the duration of my stay at CCBC. I get to take classroom based classes again in the summer session and in Fall. I am so happy about this. I have missed being in the classroom and actually knowing what my professor looks like and all that.

I also started a new job which is also at the college that I attend. I am a student schedule builder. I basically help students register online for their classes. Not usually too hard because if they have something they need done that I can't do being a student then I have to give them to an advisor. This happens more often then I would like but at least they are getting what they need done.

At least with the new job, end of semester and the addition of another room mate or apartment mate as the case may be I do not have the added stress of having a boyfriend as well. Eventually I'm sure I will but for the time being it just seems best to not have one.

We had a new apartment mate move in. Now I have the leprechaun and speded sharing an apartment with me. It is definitely interesting. Now I get to have a fun time explaining to any future boyfriends that I live platonically with two males and that we are just all friends. Oh boy. Any guy I do date is going to have to be open minded. I mean his girlfriend is going to be sharing an apartment (2 bedroom) with 2 guys and I go away at least one weekend a month to LARP for a full weekend and the LARP is coed sleeping arrangements. There are not boy cabins and girl cabins. Ah well. Well I better go get some of this work I need to get done done. Later.

Remember: Don't just survive life actually live it.