Tuesday, April 27, 2010

aren't there more important things to worry about

I am a news junkie... I watch the news when I wake up before work and after class I will watch the eleven o'clock news... I have a problem with what is called "news"...

Tiger Woods having slept with enough women to have a different one for each month of the year... Tiger is apparantly a man whore enough said... why did the news feel the need to cover this for months... plenty of men cheat all the time (women do too) and nobody cares... why does it suddenly matter, is it because he can hit a tiny white ball with a metal club into a hole hundreds of yards away... WTF!!!

Then we have Jesse James... The man cheated with some chick that has more ink than skin (there is nothing wrong with tattoos, i have 2)... it was moderately interesting the first time you heard about it and saw the pic of the girl he cheated with but who the hell still cares... well I mean aside Sandra Bullock(not sure i spelled it right)...

Aren't we still fighting 2 wars??? What about what is going on with the economy??? I don't need or want an update on the anchor persons pregnancy nor do I care since I don't know her... I don't need everyone on the show telling jokes... if I was watching something to laugh I would watch a comedian... I wish that the news would stick to what it is supposed to stick to and that is the NEWS!!! not who is cheating on who with whoever... not how pregnant the anchor is and when she is due... I also don't care about some of the stupid crap that gets called news...

They spend more time talking about Tiger and Jesse than they do about the guy that got shot getting chinese food, the wars we are involved in, and anything else that people need to know... I mean there is ET, TMZ and Access Hollywood as well as other shows of that type that if I want to know who is cheating on who and who is dating who I can watch and find out... When I turn on the local news I don't want to hear about Brangelina adding another adopted or biological kid to their brood because I dont care... stick to the real news and leave that crap to the tabloids and the entertainment news shows...

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