Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Fresh Start

Sooo... I have been with the same man for 3 years and 9 months and it all ended a couple nights ago(no details his daughter may read this)... This means a fresh start... Luckily I have some of the best friends a girl can ask for...

My friends have offered me places to crash for a night... they have also offered me a place to hang out on weekends... Others have also been checking in with me and saying if there is anything I can do let me know... My friends and family have been so great... One friend (my ginger rom friend) has even offered me a place to stay...

The only things about this fresh start that suck are that I can not finish the summer school program at work because I have to leave... I also had to drop my summer classes so I could leave... But that is the only down side...

Again I look forward to my fresh start though it is a little scary... I know I will be ok because I have the greatest and most supportive friends in the world... Thank you guys... I love you all very much...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

So what's the plan now? I take it you have to leave the house, are you leaving Baltimore? Or are you looking for a place and if so, do you want any help? (I'm bored at home--if you sent me your price range and specs, I could look online for places for you).

I wish it didn't mean dropping your summer courses. Are you sure there's no way around that? I am so proud of how far you've been going at school! Please don't let this slow you down!

If you need anything, don't be afraid to let me know on FB or through email! Thoughts and prayers are with you...