Sunday, May 2, 2010

Smart Cars

So I have seen a few of these tiny cars that look like a roller skate with an engine in it... you know those silly looking smart cars that I and probably other people wonder how anyone other than a little person would be able to squeeze themselves into it at all let alone comfortably...

well i found myself walking home from work and I saw one of these pill boxes on wheels and started to think.... When did Matchbox or Hot Wheels start making real cars instead of toys... That thought in turn led me to another one... if either of the two aforementioned companies made a smart car toy you would probably require tweezers to play with it because the things are already so tiny...

I also thought how practical is that car... I mean if you get in an accident I am sure that your engine would probably be in your lap... Also where would you put the groceries after you go shopping??? I know that when I go shopping all the groceries would not fit in the passenger seat...

I also take trips to NY and NJ often to visit with family... not as often as I would like but still enough so that i had to wonder where the hell my suitcase would go... and not just mine but my boyfriends and his kids... then I had another thought...

Forget the kids suitcases where would the KIDS go??? As far I could tell there is no back seat... I guess this is not a car for somebody who has a family or is planning on having one... And I mean how dorky do they look driving down the street... I have expect that when I hear one finally toot its horn it is going to sound like a dogs squeaky toy or a clown nose...

Maybe I am alone is my thinking but personally I think that the smart cars are really quite stupid...

1 comment:

Cigar Freak said...

I hate to play devil's advocate... who am I kidding? I love playing devil's advocate.

I love smart cars. They are specifically made for people who live on their own and don't need a larger car.

The people who usually drive them go to and from work and the store and thats probably about it. They don't need a large car to guzzle gas and pollute the environment.

Also, I've heard they are quite safe.

Thats my two cents. Don't knock it because it doesn't fit your lifestyle, it's totally made for a different kind of person.

Also, I'm pretty sure the people who use them don't smoke cigars...

You know what? You're right.