Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So I recently was having a discussion with someone and it was pretty light hearted and then they asked me a question. A question they said they were asking me because they wanted a honest answer and they knew that I would give them that. I said alright... Question was asked... I answered... they got upset because it was not the answer they wanted. They then told me I needed to learn some tact. Wait... what??? you came to ME because you know that out of everyone you know I will be the most honest and not bs or sugarcoat but when you don't like the honest answer you get upset with me??? Folks sometimes the truth hurts. I know this. I have been hurt by it a few times. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it any less honest or truthful though. If you ask a question of me expect me to be nothing but HONEST. I hate lying and actually pretty much can't lie. It's not like Pinnochio whose nose grows but it is still really obvious when I try to so I don't.

If you want an honest answer ask an honest person if you want what you want to hear ask a liar. Personally I would prefer someone be honest with me over lying to spare my feelings. Maybe I am just strange though.

"It is not the years in your life that matter but the life in your years"- Abraham Lincoln

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